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L.A. Community Fridges

This is a redesigned concept for L.A. Comunity Fridges, focusing on the accessbility for fridge information as well as volunteering.

High-fidelity prototype

My Role: UX Researcher and Designer

Responsibilities: User Research, wireframing, prototyping, usability testing

LA community fridges - Slide 1.png
LA community fridges - Slide 2.png

Understanding the user

  • User research

  • Persona

  • User painpoints

  • User journey maps

  • Competitor audit

LA community fridges - Slide 3.png


Considering two personas was crucial as it addressed the distinct needs of different user groups. The first persona represented users seeking support from the community fridge, while the second persona focused on individuals who could contribute to fridge upkeep while pursuing their own goals and objectives.

LA community fridges - Slide 5.png
LA community fridges - Slide 4.png
LA community fridges - Slide 6.png
LA community fridges - Slide 7.png
LA community fridges - Slide 8.png

Starting the design

  • Ideation

  • Sitemap

  • Digital wireframes

  • Low-fidelity prototype

  • Usability studies


Conducting a rapid ideation exercise, I generated ideas to address the identified gaps from the competitive audit, with a specific emphasis on optimizing Fridge Check-ins and implementing comprehensive item tracking mechanisms.

LA community fridges - Slide 9.png


LA community fridge Sitemap.jpg

Digital Wireframes

After ideating and drafting some paper wireframes, I created the initial designs for the L.A. Community Fridges app. These designs focused on locating local fridges and information as well as easy QR scanning to complete fridge check-ins.

LA community fridges - Slide 11.png

Low-fidelity prototype:

To prepare for usability testing, I created a low-fidelity prototype that connected the user flow of selecting a fridge to check into.

LA community fridges - Slide 12.png
LA community fridges - Slide 13.png
LA community fridges - Slide 14.png

Refining the design

  • Mockups

  • High-fidelity prototype

  • Accessibility

  • Responsive design

Mockups - Mobile

Based on the insights from the usability studies, I applied design changes like providing easy view of fridge information and access to quickly check into fridges.

LA community fridges - Slide 10.png

Mockups After 2nd Usability Study

The second usability study prioritized enhancing legibility and creating visually recognizable imagery to help users easily locate and access the information they need in person. 

Search feature.gif

Mockups - image-to-text

Efforts were made to streamline the volunteering process by implementing image-to-text functionality, reducing the need for extensive product listing.

Photo text to image.gif

Mockups - gamification

The creation of an aesthetically pleasing design played a pivotal role in attracting new users to the platform. To enhance user engagement, animation was strategically integrated to introduce gamification elements, effectively complementing the point system and fostering a more interactive experience.

Splash animation.gif
reward points aniamtion.gif

Mockups - Inventory tracking

In order to minimize food waste, a key objective was to provide users with a streamlined interface that allows for quick scanning of available items within each fridge. This facilitates efficient planning and decision-making for users, enabling them to identify and select items they may wish to take or contribute.

Food categorized.gif

Responsive Design

The designs for screen size variation included mobile, tablet, and desktop. I optimized the designs to fit specific user needs of each device and screen size.

LA community fridges - Slide 17.png
LA community fridges - Slide 16.png

Going forward

  • Takeaways

  • Next steps

LA community fridges - Slide 18.png
LA community fridges - Slide 19.png

L.A. Community Fridges

High-fidelity prototype

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